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Nellie the nudist queen.
Envoyé par : XORF
Date : dimanche 19 octobre 2008, 15:23:26

Il me manque quelques bouts de ce texte :

Titre: Nellie the nudist queen
Artis: Ross and Sargent
Parol: *
Musiq: *
Langu: An
Album: *
Annee: 1933
copyR: *
Nellie was a city gal
More than nine cents pure
'till a country guy
Came a-riding by
On a ten cent trolley tour
His eyes were mean
His heart was black
And this inter-urban tramp
Beguiled poor Nell and took her back
To his nearby nudist camp.

His cohorts looked her over on a picturesque ravine
From orchestra and balcony to second mezzanine
And then and there elected her to be their nudist queen

Oh she's so sweet when she appears
The corns all eyes instead of ears
Taxi drivers stip their gears
For Nellie the nudist queen.
Her point of view is rather quaint
She holds her subjects in restraint
"Though love is blind, the neighbours ain't"
Says Nellie the nudist queen.

Among the trees with birds and bees
She flutters and she flitters
She rambles and she gambles and
She tottles and she titters
When Nell goes by all nature thrills
Mountaineers desert their stills
There's more than gold in them thar hills
There's Nellie the nudist queen

Now her overhead expense to say the least is very small
She never needs a tailor, there's no laundry bill at all
And her meals are always splendid in her out-of-doors mirage
A dinner for a dollar and of course no cover charge.

When you see a nudist wedding as we did the other day
You can watch the groom's expression when they give the bride away
You can tell by her reaction if the model's old or new
You can always tell the best man at a nudist wedding too.

Now some creditors came calling at a clearing in the hills
And asked to see a statement that would justify her bills
When they viewed her liabilities, the atmosphere was tense
But when she showed her assets, boy her assets were a mess !

So we're going back to nature to go naked XXXXXXXX
With a great big tin of asprin and menthol for our nose
Thought only God can make a tree, as famous poets tell
It seems if he can make a tree we ought to make our Nell.

A blindman came the other day
Through his pencils right away
Took off his specs and said : "I'll stay"
To Nellie the nudist queen.

A boy of five came out to chat
She gave his cheeks a playful pat
The kid cried : "Mama, buy me that"
Nellie the nudist queen

Like anciant Greeks
The human freaks
About the fields go naked
There's good clean fun
Out in the sun
That is if you can take it.
Oh, she's a woodland nymph at play
Round and wheel, she's XXXXX
She's got clas with a capital K
Nellie the nudist queen.


Avis aux amateurs.

C'est aymer saynement d'entreprendre à blesser et offencer pour proffiter.
Montaigne (Essais).

Modifié 5 fois. Dernière modification le 20/10/08 23:28

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Re: Nellie the nudist queen.
Envoyé par : eric1871
Date : dimanche 19 octobre 2008, 19:18:38

Among the trees with birds and bees

So we're going back to nature to go naked xxxxx

la fin… dur à dire

El hambre viene,
El hombre se va...

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Re: Nellie the nudist queen.
Envoyé par : XORF
Date : dimanche 19 octobre 2008, 19:36:15

Merci N'Eric - Lou trouve pareil, d'ailleurs.

J'ai un peu modifier des trucs grâce aux fragments présents ici : []

Mais ça reste encore incomplet…

C'est aymer saynement d'entreprendre à blesser et offencer pour proffiter.
Montaigne (Essais).

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Re: Nellie the nudist queen.
Envoyé par : Kara18
Date : lundi 20 octobre 2008, 23:11:04


Oh, she's a woodland nymph > Oh, she's a woodland nymph, at play
Round and wheel, she's XXXXX

Where words are scarce, they are seldom spent in vain.

William Shakespeare

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Re: Nellie the nudist queen.
Envoyé par : XORF
Date : lundi 20 octobre 2008, 23:33:06

Mwa j'entends quelque chose comme ceci phonétiquement :

So we're going back to nature to go naked XXXXXXXX > So we're going back to nature to go naked (mind I s'ppose)

Round and wheel, she's XXXXX > Round and wheel, she's (deck or they)

Mais je ne suis pas bien sûr que ça signifie quelque chose…

C'est aymer saynement d'entreprendre à blesser et offencer pour proffiter.
Montaigne (Essais).

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Re: Nellie the nudist queen.
Envoyé par : Kara18
Date : lundi 20 octobre 2008, 23:50:40

Je tente : she's dec' of day (décoration du jour) ?

Where words are scarce, they are seldom spent in vain.

William Shakespeare

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Re: Nellie the nudist queen.
Envoyé par : spproust
Date : jeudi 23 octobre 2008, 10:57:07

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Re: Nellie the nudist queen.
Envoyé par : XORF
Date : jeudi 23 octobre 2008, 17:34:34

Merci Sophie.

Mais mon texte est une mouture entre le texte que tu cites, incomplet et erroné, recoupé avec les fragments cités plus hauts…

C'est aymer saynement d'entreprendre à blesser et offencer pour proffiter.
Montaigne (Essais).

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